Sunday, February 28, 2010


This week Adam and I said goodbye to our foster rabbit, Strider. When we first got him two months ago he was charging, lunging, and behaving quite aggressively. With a little patience and a lot of spoiling, he turned into quite the cuddly snuggler. Every evening he hopped into bed with me during reading time for head scratches, and he slept in my bedroom near the heating vent each night.

Strider now lives with a female lionhead rabbit named Fifi and eight guinea pigs. He's going to have a happy life. I was told that twice a day he eats salad off of a giant plate with ALL the small mammals in his home. I think I need a picture of that...


  1. Aww, he's adorable!

    I found you through the Etsy forums and am now following your blog. Best of luck to you!

  2. Wow, what a cute bunny!
    found you on Etsy's following you.

  3. Thanks for the follows! Yeah, he was a cutey. I'm glad he went to a good home!
